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How Counties can Unlock Workforce Analytics with Remaining ARPA Funds

As the December 31, 2024 deadline for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) fund obligations closes in, many communities still find themselves with unallocated resources. The National Association of Counties (NACo) local government ARPA investment tracker shows that approximately 25% of local government ARPA funds remain unobligated.

Forward-thinking agencies are using ARPA funds to make investments with a lasting impact. For those, a Workforce Analytics Platform presents a unique opportunity to optimize the use of remaining ARPA dollars for decades to come.

Visualize Smarter Government at Work

GovInvest, the government compensation experts, offers solutions that empower HR and finance professionals to make smarter decisions based on real-time data.

Our Live Compensation and Labor Costing solutions are tailored to help local governments improve recruitment and retainment, project future personnel expenses, and analyze the financial impact of staffing changes.

Aligning Technology with ARPA Fund Guidelines

ARPA funds are intended to address the ongoing negative economic impacts of the pandemic. GovInvest software aligns with these goals in several ways:

1. Strengthening Public Sector Capacity: GovInvest helps counties manage compensation efficiently, ensuring that workforce resources are allocated where they are needed most.

2. Data-Driven Decision Making: The software supports evidence-based planning, ensuring that personnel decisions are driven by current, reliable data rather than reactive measures.

3. Long-Term Financial Stability: With many counties facing fiscal uncertainties, our software’s forecasting capabilities provide a roadmap for long-term financial health, helping agencies avoid layoffs or drastic service cuts that could hinder recovery efforts.

Implementation Considerations

To leverage remaining ARPA funds effectively, counties should consider the following software use cases:

1. Strategic Workforce Planning: By integrating GovInvest, counties can better plan for retirements, succession, and recruitment needs, aligning workforce planning with broader strategic goals.

2. Enhanced Budgeting Accuracy: Our labor costing software allows counties to simulate various staffing scenarios, projecting salary and benefits costs over multiple years. This capability helps avoid budget shortfalls and ensures sustainable personnel expenditure planning.

3. Transparency and Accountability: The software provides clear visualizations and reports that can be shared with elected officials and the public, promoting transparency in government operations

With the ARPA fund obligation deadline fast approaching, counties have a unique opportunity to make strategic investments that will pay dividends long after the pandemic recovery period. By investing in GovInvest, local government can enhance financial resilience, improve workforce analytics, and ensure that they are well-prepared for future challenges.
